News List
- Mar. 7, 2025
Farewell party for Dr. Akihiro Ezoe and welcome party for Dr. Tomoyuki Takeda were held.
- Jan. 31, 2025
Farewell party for Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi, Ms. Chikako Utsumi and Ms. Kayoko Mizunashi was held.
Ms. Akiko Eichenberger (University of Zurich) visited the lab.
- Dec. 13, 2024
Welcome party for Mr. Farhan Aziz and year-end party of our lab was held.
- Dec. 1, 2024
Mr. Farhan Aziz joined the lab.
- Oct. 31, 2024
Farewell party for Ms. Quynh Thi Nhu Do was held.
- Sep. 3, 2024
Welcome party for Ms. Huong Thi Pham and Ms. Aki Kawamura was held. Ms. Maria Helena Pereira (Univ. of São Paulo) visited the lab.
- Jul. 1, 2024
Ms. Aki Kawamura joined the lab.
- Jun. 1, 2024
Ms. Huong Thi Pham joined the lab.
- Apr. 1, 2024
Dr. Yutaka Ogawa joined the lab.
- Feb. 27, 2024
- Farewell party for Ms. Miho Makino was held.
- Jan. 31, 2024
- The 2nd Cassava Workshop “Research and development of cassava towards the establishment of a carbon-neutral circulation society” was held at RIKEN Yokohama.
- Dec. 28, 2023
- The 2nd Cassava Workshop will be held at RIKEN Yokohama Campus on Jan. 31, 2024. Registration URL:
- Dec. 18, 2023
- Dr. Motoaki Seki participated in and gave an invited lecture at the JSPS-RHUL International Symposium "Sustainable Enhancement of Plant Productivity with Precision Genomics (SEP3G)" held at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL).
- Dec. 7, 2023
- Year-end party of our lab was held.
- Nov. 10, 2023
- Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga visited our lab.
- Sep. 19, 2023
- Farewell Party for Mrs. Thu Anh Vu was held.
- Jul. 17, 2023
- Drs. Motoaki Seki and Yoshinori Utsumi visited National Chung Hsing University to discuss about the cassava collaborative research and to harvest the cassava plants at the field.
- Jun. 13, 2023
- Dr. Khurram Bashir and Dr. Zarnab Ahmad visited our lab.
- Jun. 5, 2023
The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023) was held at Makuhari Messe from June 5 to 9, 2023. It was a lively conference with 1209 participants from 42 countries (regions) (792 from overseas and 363 students).
ICAR2023 Program & Booklet
- Mar. 27 2023
Farewell party for Dr. Kentaro Nakaminami and Mr. Hinata Motegi was held.
- Sep. 2022
The recent research results of our team were published in "Research News - Research Highlight" and INFOGRAPHIC of "RIKEN Research".
- Sep. 20, 2022
Farewell party for Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga was held.
- Sep. 2022
Dr. Bashir's recent paper was selected as an Editor's Choice in the September 2022 issue of Plant and Cell Physiology, featured as Research Highlights and published as a cover image. It was also introduced by overseas media in more than 20 countries, including CNN, BBC, and Yahoo! News.
- Jun. 22, 2022
- Jun. 20, 2022
Farewell party for Ms. Megumi Miyamoto was held.
- Apr. 21, 2022
Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi, Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga and Ms. Chikako Utsumi received the FY2021 RIKEN CSRS Incentive Award.
- Apr. 1, 2022
Dr. Akihiro Ezoe joined the lab.
- Feb. 1, 2022
Ms. Miho Makino joined the lab.
- Dec. 14, 2021
Ms. Zarnab Ahmad passed the PhD examination at University of the Punjab.
- Dec. 7, 2021
Welcome party for Ms. Quynh Thi Nhu Do was held.
- Sep. 10, 2021
Farewell party for Ms. Zarnab Ahmad was held.
- Apr. 1, 2021
Dr. Daisuke Todaka and Mr. Hinata Motegi joined the lab.
- Feb.9, 2021
Farewell party for Dr. Akihiro Matsui and Ms. Yuiko Sato was held.
- Dec.15, 2020
Farewell party for Dr. Khurram Bashir was held.
- Sep.9, 2020
- Jul. 21, 2020
Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, June 5 - 9, 2023
- Dec. 19, 2019
Year-end party of our lab was held.
- Dec. 2, 2019
The 1st Cassava Workshop “Thinking about future direction of cassava research” was held at RIKEN Yokohama.
- Oct. 14, 2019
Mr. Shigeharu Kato (RIKEN Executive Director) visited Agricultural Genetics Institute (AGI)/International Laboratory for Cassava Molecular Breeding (ILCMB). While visiting the research facility under the guidance of Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga, Mr. Kato has exchanged the opinions with Dr. Pham Xuan Hoi (Director, AGI), Dr. Le Huy Ham (Chairman of science council and former director, AGI) and Dr. Dindo Campilan (Director, Asia regional office, CIAT).
- Sep. 23, 2019
Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi and Dr. Motoaki Seki attended the COSMIC Workshop “Physiology meets structure - Integrative models for assimilate transport” (22nd - 24th September 2019, Bamberg, Germany) and gave the presentations on the cassava research.
- Jun. 28, 2019
Dr. Nobuo Ogita (NAIST, Umeda Lab) received "The Plant Journal - 2018 Outstanding Student Paper Awards - Original Article".
- Jun. 10, 2019
The seminars of JST EIG CONCERT-JAPAN project (COSMIC, PI: Dr. Salome Prat) were held at RIKEN Yokohama.
- Apr. 16, 2019
Dr. Kentaro Nakaminami received the FY2018 RIKEN CSRS Incentive Award.
- Mar. 25, 2019
Mr. Yuji Sunaoshi and Mr. Takahiro Abe got the Master's degree from Yokohama City Univ..
Mr. Yuji Sunaoshi got the best Master's thesis presentation award and attended the graduation ceremony of Yokohama City Univ. as the representative of Master course students (Dept. of Life and Environmental System Science, Yokohama City Univ.)
- Mar. 18-20, 2019
Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants (PGRP) 2019 was held at Nara (Organizing Committee Members: Misato Ohtani, Motoaki Seki and Yukio Kurihara).
- Mar. 11, 2019
Farewell party for Dr. Kaori Sako and Mr. Takahiro Abe was held.
- Jan. 22, 2019
The welcome party for Ms. Nobuko Kimura was held.
- Dec. 20, 2018
Year-end party of our lab and Farewell party for Mrs. Minako Sumita was held.
- Nov. 27, 2018
Mr. Yuji Sunaoshi received the FY2018 CSRS Interim Progress Report Poster Award.
- Oct. 30, 2018
The farewell party for Ms. Erika Moriya was held.
- Sep. 27, 2018
- Jun. 15, 2018
Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi, Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga and Dr. Motoaki Seki attended "GCP21-IV:The Fourth Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century" and gave the presentations on the cassava research.
- May. 8, 2018
An International Workshop of JST EIG CONCERT-JAPAN project (PI: Dr. Salome Prat) was held in RIKEN Yokohama.
- May. 2018
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Apr. 24, 2018
Dr. Jong-Myong Kim, Dr. Huong Mai Nguyen and Dr. Kaori Sako received the FY2017 RIKEN CSRS Incentive Award.
- Apr. 17, 2018
The welcome party for Ms. Yuiko Sato, Ms. Thu Anh Vu and Ms. Akiko Sato was held.
- Mar. 23, 2018
Mrs. Huong Mai Nguyen got PhD from Yokohama City Univ. Mrs. Houng Mai Nguyen attended the graduation ceremony of Yokohama City Univ. as the representative of PhD students of Dept. of Life and Environmental System Science, Yokohama City Univ.
- Mar. 22, 2018
The farewell party for Ms. Tomoe Nakamura, Ms. Hiroko Tsuchida, Ms. Ikuko Ishihara, Ms. Masae Kono and Ms. Miyako Sakurai was held.
- Mar. 19, 2018
Ms. Tomoe Nakamura got Master Degree from Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
- Mar. 17, 2018
Dr. Motoaki Seki and Dr. Khurram Bashir gave the invited talks at the international workshop at Punjab Univ (Pakistan).
- Mar. 15, 2018
Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi received the FY2017 RIKEN Research Incentive Award.
- Jan. 2018
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Dec. 2017
Year‐end party of our lab and Farewell party for Mrs. Huong MAI NGUYEN and Dr. Chien VAN HA was held.
- Nov. 2017
Motoaki Seki, Team Leader has been selected for Highly Cited Researchers 2017
riken news
- Nov. 2017
A Kickoff Meeting of JST EIG CONCERT-JAPAN project (PI: Dr. Salome Prat) was held in Madrid.
- Nov. 2017
A Seminar Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of Pakistan-Japan Diplomatic Relations was held in the Embassy of Pakistan.
- Nov. 2017
The Distinct Roles of Class I and II RPD3-Like Histone Deacetylases in Salinity Stress Response.
Press Release
- Oct. 2017
Farewell party for Ms. Seiko Nomura, and Welcome party for Ms. Hiroko Tsuchida, Ms. Zarnab Ahmad, Ms. Aya Sakamoto and Ms. Megumi Miyamoto was held.
- Sep. 2017
A simple method for estimating biosynthetic genes for secondary metabolites
Press Release
- Sep. 2017
Mr. Anh Hai Nguyen has passed the PhD examination at VAAS.
- Aug. 2017
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Jul. 2017
Farewell Party for Mrs. Akiko Takashiba was held.
- Jul. 14 2017
Discovery of a novel mechanism of antisense ncRNA-mediated environmental stress adaptation in plants
- Jul. 3 2017
Discovery of ethanol-mediated high-salinity tolerance mechanism in plants
Press Release
- June. 27 2017
Vinegar: a cheap and simple way to help plants fight drought
Press Release
- May 2017
Ms. Onsaya Patanun got a Ph.D from Mahidol Univ.
- May 12 2017
An international symposium on genome editing (JSPS Brain Circulation Project; PI: Dr. Hiroyuki Tsuji) was held in AGI/ILCMB (Vietnam).
- Apr 2017
Real-time visualization of plant epigenetic dynamics.
Press Release
- Apr 17 2017
A joint meeting with the labs of Dr. Kazuo Shinozaki (RIKEN CSRS) and Dr. Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki (Univ. of Tokyo) was held in Univ. of Tokyo.
- Apr 2017
Dr. Chien Van Ha and Mr. Takahiro Abe and the welcome party was held.
- Mar 2017
Farewell Party for Mrs. Cam Chau Thi Nguyen and Mr. Yoshio Takei, and Celebration Party for Academic Degree from Yokohama City Univ. to Mrs. Cam Chau Thi Nguyen (PhD), Mrs. Sultana Rasheed (PhD), Mr. Yoshio Takei (Master's degree) and Mr. Yuji Sunaoshi (Bachelor's degree) were held. Mr. Yoshio Takei got the best Master's thesis presentation award.
- Mar 3 2017
JCC2 of SATREPS project was held in Univ. of Battambang (Cambodia).
- Feb. 2017
"International Symposium on Environmental Stress Adaptation and Memory in Plants" was held in RIKEN Yokohama Campus.
- Jan, 2017
Dr. Motoaki Seki, Team Leader has been selected for Highly Cited Researchers 2016.
- Jan, 2017
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Dec, 2016
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Oct, 2016
Ms. Huong Thi Tong (Agricultural Genetics Institute, Vietnam) and Mr. Minh Ba Nhat Nguyen (Hung Loc Agricultural Research Center) joined the lab to learn the tissue culture and molecular biology techniques.
- Jul, 2016
Dr. Motoaki Seki introduced the cassava project and the International Laboratory for Cassava Molecular Breeding (ILCMB) to the MEXT State Minister Tsutomu Tomioka and a delegation from JST at Agricultural Genetics Institute (Hanoi).
- Jul, 2016
Farewell Party for Ms. Onsaya Patanun was held.
- Jun, 2016
A team meeting of CREST project was held in RIKEN.
- May, 2016
A kickoff meeting of SATREPS project (Research theme: Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System Based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, PI: Prof. Keiji Takasu, Kyushu Univ.) was held in Agricultural Genetics Institute (Hanoi).
- May, 2016
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Apr, 2016
Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga started the cassava research at the International Laboratory for Cassava Molecular Breeding (ILCMB, Hanoi).
- Apr, 2016
A joint meeting with the labs of Dr. Kazuo Shinozaki (RIKEN CSRS) and Dr. Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki (Univ. of Tokyo) was held in Univ. of Tokyo.
- Apr., 2016
Dr. Hiroki Tokunaga joined the lab and the welcome party was held.
- Mar. 16, 2016
A Stress-activated transposon in Arabidopsis induces transgenerational abscisic acid insensitivity. Link
- Jan. 18 to 22, 2016
Dr. Motoaki Seki attended "GCP21-III:The Third Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century" as an International Organizing Committee Member. Three RIKEN researchers (Dr. Motoaki Seki, Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi and Mr. Yoshio Takei) gave the invited talks. Link
- Jan. 6, 2016
An article of Dr. Motoaki Seki was published as Research Frontier of RIKEN NEWS No. 415 January 2016. Link
- Dec. 24, 2015
Chemical compound with epigenetic regulation improves resistance to salinity stress. Link
- Nov., 2015
Dr. Jong-Myong Kim won Best Papers (BP) Prize in the 87th Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan. Link
- Oct., 2015
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications"
- Oct., 2015
"Mr. Yuji Sunaoshi joined the lab."
- Sep. 9, 2015
Dr. Motoaki Seki, Team Leader, has been selected for "Highly Cited Researchers 2015" by Thomson Reuters. Link
- Sep., 2015
Ms. Huong Thi Tong joined the lab.
- Jul. 19, 2015
Dr. Jong-Myong Kim talked in "RIKEN DAY: Let's talk with researchers" (at Science Museum).
- Jun., 2015
Dr. Daisuke Ogawa (NIAS), a CREST project member, won a prize for excellent presentation in the 127th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding. Link
- Apr., 2015
Ms. Tomoe Nakamura joined the lab.
- Mar., 2015
Farewell Party for Dr. Taku Sasaki, Mr. Anh Hai Nguyen and Ms. Masae Haruta was held.
- Feb., 2015
Dr. Kentaro Nakaminami talked in "RIKEN DAY: Let's talk with researchers" (at Science Museum).
- Feb., 2015
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Jan., 2015
Ms. Akiko Takashiba joined the lab.
- Dec., 2014
Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Dec.8, 2014
An international symposium "Collaboration between Japan and Vietnam for the sustainable future" was held in Hanoi.
Click here for details
- Nov.20, 2014
Comparative analysis between transcriptome and proteome indicated novel post-transcriptional regulation mechanism during cold acclimation and deacclimation.
[Press Release] [Nakaminami K. et al., Mol Cell Proteomics, 13, 3602-11
- Oct, 2014
Mr. Ha The Vu and Ms. Thu Anh Vu joined the lab.
- June.,17 2014
Dr. Motoaki Seki, Team Leader, has been selected for “Highly Cited Researchers 2014” by Thomson Reuters.Link
- June., 2014
- Drs. Yoshinori Utsumi and Motoaki Seki received "The 54th SRT(Starch Round Table)Award in Japan".
- May., 2014
- Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) President Dr. Nguyen Van Bo
visited RIKEN's Yokohama Campus and discussed about future cooperation between RIKEN CSRS and VAAS, such as cassava collaboration.
- Apr., 2014
- Dr. Minoru Ueda, Dr. Taku Sasaki, Mrs. Miyako Sakurai and Mrs. Harumi Ubukata joined the lab.
Dr. Alessandra Devoto(Royal Holloway - University of London) joined the lab to drive "Royal Society International Collaborative Project (Analysis of chromatin remodelling during drought and hormone treatment)".
- Jan., 2014
- Seki TL gave a presentation to Yokohama citizen as "Introduction to life science from Maioka" at Kihara Institute of Yokohama City University.
- Dec., 2013
- Our cassava research was introduced into Asia Science and Technology Portal (ASTP).
Click here for details.
- Dec., 2013
- Mrs. Yoshie Okamoto, Mrs. Erika Moriya and Mrs. Sultana Rasheed joined the lab.
- Nov., 2013
- Dr. Seki was ranked as the 7th place for the citations (during 2003 to 2013) in Plant Science (Thomson Reuters, as of Nov. 1, 2013).
- Oct., 2013
- Mr. Yoshio Takei joined the lab.
- Oct., 2013
- We started a new CREST program for utilization of carbon dioxide
"Enhancement of Environmental Stress Adaptation and Production of Useful Biomass through Understanding of Epigenome Regulatory Networks in Plants".
Click here for details.
- Aug., 2013
- Ms.Onsaya PATANUN joined our lab.
- Jul., 2013
- An international workshop " Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants" was held in Providence.
Dlick here for details. (PDF)
- Jun, 2013
- Seki TL has attended the Celebration Meeting on the 40th Anniversary of Vietnam-Japan Diplomatic Relations, Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Hanoi on June 19 as an invited guest with RIKEN Executive Director Dr.Kenji Oeda, RIKEN CSRS Unit Leader Dr.
Lam-Son Phan Tran and RIKEN CSRS Ms. Miho TSURUZONO.
- May, 2013
- Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister visited RIKEN's Yokohama Campus.
- Apr., 2013
- Our team has started the research in the new center, CSRS.
Dr. Khurram BASHIR and Mr. Satoshi TAKAHASHI joined the lab.
- Jan., 2013
- Kickoff meeting of the e-ASIA program (Project Title: Advancement of Asian Cassava Molecular Breeding by Cutting-edge Technologies) was held in Hanoi.
- Dec., 2012
- The result of ex-post evaluation of the Asian-Africa Science & Technology Strategic Cooperation Promotion Program by the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science & Technology (Project Title: Towards food security in Asia and Africa by development and application of advanced molecular breeding technologies for the tropical crop, cassava) was announced as“S”.Website
- Nov., 2012
- Ms. Huong MAI NGUYEN and Ms. Marina ANDO joined the lab.
- Jul., 2012
- Dr. Alessandra Devoto(Royal Holloway - University of London) joined the lab to drive "Royal Society International
Collaborative Project (Analysis of chromatin remodelling during drought and hormone treatment)".
- International Plant RNA Workshop 2012 was held in Vienna.
- Jun, 2012
- Dr. Motoaki Seki attended "GCP21-II:Second Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century" as an International Organizing Committee Member.
- Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
Publications - Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- May, 2012
- RIKEN group joined ILCMB (International Laboratory for Cassava Molecular Breeding) to advance cassava molecular breeding in llaboration with AGI and CIAT groups.
- Dr. Jong-Myong KIM's paper was selected as the Cover Photo of PCP.
- Apr., 2012
- Dr. Kaori Sako and Mr. Anh HAI NGUYEN joined the lab.
- Feb. 1, 2012
- International Cassava Research Symposium 2011 was held in Bangkok.
- Jan., 2012
- Drs. Motoaki Seki and Yoshinori Utsumi visited Shanghai Center for Cassava Biotechnology.Website
- Dec., 2011
- Ms.Thuy THI LE joined the lab.
- Sep., 2011
- Presentation by Dr. Jong-Myong KIM at GARNet 2011 meeting was appeared on the Video Talks.
- Jul, 2011
- Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Jun 20-21, 2011
- International Plant RNA Workshop 2011 was held in RIKEN Yokohama Institute.
- Apr.29, 2011
- Arabidopsis HDA6 Regulates Locus-Directed Heterochromatin Silencing in Cooperation with MET1.
- Apr, 2011
- Ms. Chikako Utsumi and Ms. Chau Thi Cam Nguyen joined the lab.
- Mar, 2011
- Information on new papers was added on the page "Publications".
- Feb, 2011
- Arabidopsis HDA6 is required for freezing tolerance.
- Dec, 2010
- Motoaki Seki was selected as one of ASPB TOP AUTHORS!
- Dec 1, 2010
- TCP transcription factors regulate the activities of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and miR164, as well as the auxin response, during differentiation of leaves in Arabidopsis.
- Nov 2, 2010
- World's Top Cassava Researchers Meet to Address the Challenge of Climate Change.
- Jun 11, 2010
- ICAR2010 Satellite Workshop "Inference and Modelling of Regulatory Networks in Multicellular Systems"was held in RIKEN Yokohama Institute.
- Jun 6-10, 2010
- The 21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2010) was held in Japan for the first time.
- May 29, 2010
- An entrance examination briefing session for Graduate School of Nanobioscience of Yokohama City University will be held on May 29 in Hakkei Campus.
- May 21, 2010
- Dr. Fiona Catherine Robertson has joined our lab as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow.
- May 17, 2010
- Drs. Jarunya Narangajavana(Mahidol University, Thailand)and Punchapat Sojikul(Mahidol University, Thailand)have stayed at our lab for 1 week for doing international cassava collaborative studies.
- May 14, 2010
- ICAR2010 Satellite Workshop "Inference and Modelling of Regulatory Networks in Multicellular Systems"will be held on June 11-12 at RIKEN Yokohama Institute.
- Apr 28, 2010
- Dr. Alessandra Devoto (Royal Holloway - University of London) has joined our lab as a JSPS Invitation Fellow.
- Jan 21, 2010
- Transduction of RNA-directed DNA methylation signals to repressive histone marks in Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Jan 20, 2010
- Tiling array analysis revealed the existence of about 5,000 non-protein-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis seeds.
- Oct 14, 2009
- 21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research will be held on June 6-10, 2010 at Pacifico Yokohama.
- Jul 24, 2009
- New Publication!
Transcriptome analyses revealed diverse expression changes in ago1 and hyl1 Arabidopsis mutants.
- Jul 1, 2009
- RIKEN has started the Asian-Africa Science & Technology Strategic Cooperation Promotion Program by the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science & Technology in collaboration with Mahidol University and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) since 2009.
- Jan 30, 2009
- New Publication!
Genome-wide suppression of aberrant mRNA-like noncoding RNAs by NMD in Arabidopsis
- Jan 15, 2009
- New Publication!
Development of 5,006 full-length cDNAs in barley: a tool for accessing cereal genomics resources.
- Nov 26, 2008
- New Publication!
New Publication!High humidity induces ABA 8'-hydroxylase in stomata and vasculature to regulate local and systemic ABA responses in Arabidopsis.
- Sep 19, 2008
- New Publication!
Identification of the candidate genes regulated by RNA-directed DNA methylation..
- Sep 8, 2008
- New Publication!
Alterations of lysine modifications on histone H3 N-tail under drought stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Aug 11, 2008
- New Publication!
Characterization of expressed sequence tags from a full-length enriched cDNA library of Cryptomeria japonica male strobili.
- Jul 13, 2008
- Tiling array analysis under drought, cold, high-salinity and ABA treatment revealed the existence of sense-antisense transcripts of possible regulatory roles in Arabidopsis.
- -Plant and Cell Physiology 49:1135-1149 (2008) by Matsui A et al. was selected as "Editor-in-Chief's choice" of Plant and Cell Physiology (2008) Vol. 49, No. 8.-
- Dec 10, 2007
- Arabidopsis Workshop 2007 was held on December 10 (Mon) in RIKEN Yokohama Institute. This year we had a technical workshop on transcriptome analysis.
- Dec 7, 2007
- New Publication!
Plants tolerant of high boron levels.
- Dec 6, 2007
- New Publication!
Sequencing analysis of 20,000 full-length cDNA clones from cassava reveals lineage specific expansions in gene families related to stress response.